Which Spider Traps Work Best?

Which Spider Traps Work Best?

Learn about the best spider traps, and when and where spider traps will be most effective against an infestation.

Spiders are known for trapping prey in their webs, but did you know that you can set spider traps to turn the tables and trap them instead? Here are some frequently asked questions about spider traps that will help you stick it to these eight-legged pests.

What's the best way to trap spiders?

Be wary of specialty products like the ones you might see on late-night infomercials. The best traps for spiders are the glue traps used for trapping mice and cockroaches. They should be flat sheets, with no raised edges. You can find these glue traps at your local hardware store.

Will this take care of your spider problem?

Glue traps are more effective with spider infestations than they are for your average spider intrusion. If you have the random spider or two in your home, chances are they won't get caught on the trap. If you have a large brown recluse infestation, for example, spider traps will help since overcrowded populations mean higher spider traffic (i.e., they're more likely to wander into the trap). However, a spider problem large enough for traps to be effective also means it may be time to consider calling a professional for help. You want to take out the source of the infestation, not just manage the visible signs of one.

Where should you place glue traps for spiders?

Place traps in corners, behind furniture, along baseboards and anywhere else you've seen spiders in your home. This includes garages, attics, crawl spaces and storage spaces. While you don't want children and pets to get stuck on these traps (be sure the glue on the traps is non-toxic), it is beneficial to place them in areas you want your family to be protected. If a spider wanders into an area where your children are playing and isn't seen or caught in a trap, the risk of spider bites increases.

How many spider traps do you need?

There's no golden ratio for traps per spider, especially since there are likely more spiders in your home than just the one or two you see. The more traps that you set, the more likely you are to hit a "hot spot" of spider activity (i.e., you'll catch more), so set dozens of traps throughout your home.

When should you place the traps?

While it's true that spiders are generally more abundant in homes after the first few rains in fall and spring, insects won't turn around and leave your home if they see a calendar and notice it isn't "spider season." Further, house spiders occur year-round. Place the traps whenever you have spiders, but especially before any insecticide treatments. Treatments can push the spiders out of their hiding spots and straight into your traps. Even if you don't think you have spiders, having a few glue traps around the home is a good precautionary measure. However, you should always use caution when placing traps, as they can pose a hazard for children and pets. Consult a pest management professional before placing traps to ensure that they are out of reach of children and pets, but are still in prime position to ensnare spiders.

Is laying spider traps enough?

Unfortunately, trapping spiders with glue traps has some drawbacks. For instance, adult female brown recluses stay in hiding more than males, so while you might be catching the male adults, the females remain at large, constantly laying more eggs. Vacuuming, cleanliness and consulting with your pest management professional are all important actions for spider deterrence.

The best way to deal with spiders is to call Terminix and get rid of them before the spiders trap you in their web of fear.


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